The Liebster Award

Thank you so much to Luna for nominating me for The Liebster Award, I really appreciate it! If you haven’t checked Luna’s blog out already, I suggest you do so, it’s awesome!

The Official Rules

• Link to this blog post in your Liebster Award blog post

• Answer the questions given to you

• Create more questions for your nominees to answer

• Comment on The Official Rules of the Liebster Award 2018 blog post with a link DIRECTLY to your Liebster award.

• Thank the person who nominated you, and put a link to their blog on your blog.

• Display the award on your blog

• Write a small post about what makes you passionate about blog posting.

• Nominate 5 – 11 blogs

• List these rules in your post

• Inform the people/blogs that you nominated

Why I am Passionate About Blogging

I am passionate about blogging because I like being able to share my own opinions about anything, not just about books in this blogging community. It feels so good, to be able to read everyone’s opinions, listen and share. It’s something that I created for my own headspace and I’m so glad I took the plunge because it’s so nice to be able to write book reviews, participate and to be nominated in book tag/awards. A couple of nights ago, I hit 300 followers on my blog and I couldn’t be more grateful! As I said, I created this for my own headspace but for others to enjoy my content and read what I have to say is an added bonus, so thank you all for being a part of my blog.

The Questions

1 What books has the most sentimental value for you?

It would have to be the big book of Thomas the Tank Engine: The Complete Collection and The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter. I treasured these books so much as a child, especially the illustrations; they were gorgeous! They were huge books which are most likely in the loft collecting dust which makes me quite sad, I really want to find them now and re-read what I used to when I was little! I’ve found images from Google of what the books looked like:

2 What does your dream bookshelf or library look like?

I would definitely want a cosy book book to relax in, so I feel it would definitely need to have a window seat with lots of natural lighting. Blankets and cushions for extreme comfort, with a special holder for any hot or cold drink. I’ve found some pictures from Google which best describe and look like what I’d love:

3 Have you had a pet that you gave a bookish name? If not, if you did get a pet what bookish name would you give them?

Surprisingly I haven’t given a pet a bookish name, then again I don’t think I’ve ever had that chance to …apart from my fish I had which I ended up calling him fish. Guys, come on, I was only nine! If I had the chance to name my pet after a bookish name, obviously depending on what they look like, I would choose Neville or Hagrid for a boy and Minerva or Luna for a girl. Harry Potter fan alert!

4 Have you ever DNF’ed a book? What book was it and why?

I haven’t DNF’ed a book as I need to have closure on each book, even if I’m not enjoying it as much as I wanted to. I simply can’t just put it down and never come back to it. Sometimes it can feel like torture, especially if I’m not keen on the book in any way, shape or form.

5 Do you reread books? Please explain because I am very curious.

I have re-read books in the past when I was a child. It’s definitely something I would consider doing when I’m a bit older, but for now I love discovering new books to read.

6 What is your reading routine?

My reading routine normally consists of making a hot drink, read a couple of pages whilst the kettle is boiling, then go upstairs to my bedroom. Put the sidelight from my bedside table on and get Cody under my duvet and blankets.

7 What was the first book you remember reading?

Oooooh. Now this is a tricky one, because I definitely remember reading the Animal Ark series and Jacqueline Wilson books, but I also remember loving my big children’s book of Thomas the Tank Engine and Other Stories Book. I don’t think I managed to finish the book because I’d always re-read the same stories that I loved over and over again.

8 What format do you usually read?

I normally read in a physical book format.

9 How many books are currently in your TBR?

I don’t really have a TBR list, I would like to make one maybe later on in the year, but for now I’m just reading any books that I have bought in the past and am trying to read them before I decide to buy any more (which is so difficult!!!).

10 What book are you most excited about reading this year?

The book I am most excited about reading this year has to be Invitation to a Bonfire by Adrienne Celt. Here is the link to the Goodreads page of this book where you can find the book description.

I Nominate:

My Questions

  1. If you could only read one book series over and over again for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?
  2. What was your favourite childhood book growing up?
  3. If you could be any character in the Harry Potter series, who would you choose?
  4. What is your guilty pleasure book?
  5. Do you organise your bookshelves in any particular way?
  6. Which do you prefer best: paperback, hardcover or eBook? And why?
  7. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
  8. What is your reading routine?
  9. What book are you most excited about reading this year?
  10. What is your favourite post you have written and why?

If I haven’t tagged you to this post, feel free to make a blog post about The Liebster Award if you’d like to join in and copy me into a link in the comments below so I can check your answers out!

I had so much fun answering these questions and trying to think up new ones for you guys to answer!

Until next time, happy reading,

Claire 📚

15 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. I give you a lot a credit for not DNFing books. I end up doing it a lot, or I put books down for months then pick them up again. Also, that dream library is beautiful. I loved reading your answers, thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, it’s pretty difficult sometimes to keep on reading through something you’re not particularly enjoying 😂 it’s so beautiful, I would love something like that so much! Thank you, I really appreciate it ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your dream lorry doesn’t have NEARLY enough shelves!! 😉 and I understand your need for closure with books. I never DNF a book becauee I feel like the end could somehow save the whole book, so I can’t give an honest opinion until I have the whole story!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I shall have to have extra library rooms for the other shelves ☺️ yes! I know exactly what you mean, sometimes it does give you a better insight on the book but other times not so much, but yet I’m still happy to have got to the end of it

      Liked by 1 person

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